The National Executive Power is entrusted, for a term of one (1) year, to make amends to the electric energy regulatory framework, namely composed by Laws No. 15,336 and No. 24,065, in order to guarantee, among others, free international trade of electric energy; free commercialization and expansion of the electric energy markets; the adjustment of the fees of the energy system based on the real costs of the supply, to cover investment needs and guarantee the continuous and regular provision of public services; and the development of electric energy transportation infrastructure.

Common regulations on electric energy and natural gas chapters

Appeals and objections to sanctions

Acts and sanctions issued by the highest authority of the regulatory body may be challenged without the need to file an appeal, directly before the National Court of Appeals for Federal Administrative Matters.

Unification of regulatory bodies

Foundations law unifies the electricity and gas regulatory bodies under a single entity, the “Ente Regulador del Gas y la Electricidad”.


For additional information, please contact Nicolás Eliaschev and/or Javier Constanzó.